Well, it seems that Total Drama Universal Restraints Inn has more identifiable characters than any season of Total Drama. Basically, this is what I got.:
Total Drama Island (24, 34 with exclusive clips):
- Beth
- Bridgette
- Cody
- Courtney
- DJ
- Duncan
- Eva
- Ezekiel
- Geoff
- Gwen
- Harold
- Heather
- Izzy
- Justin
- Katie
- Leshawna
- Lindsay
- Noah
- Owen
- Sadie
- Trent
- Tyler
- Chris McLean
- Chef Hatchet
- Jasmine (Exclusive Clip Version) (Exclusive Clips only)
- Duncan's Parents (Exclusive Clips only)
- Duncan's Parole Officer (Exclusive Clips only)
- Heather's Parents (Exclusive Clips only)
- Gwen's Mother (Exclusive Clips only)
- Gwen's Brother (Exclusive Clips only)
- Owen's Parents (Exclusive Clips only)
Total Drama Action (32 (photographed-only characters excluded))
- Beth
- Bridgette
- Courtney
- DJ
- Duncan
- Geoff
- Gwen
- Harold
- Heather
- Izzy
- Justin
- Leshawna
- Lindsay
- Owen
- Trent
- Chris McLean
- Chef Hatchet
- Josh
- Alejandro
- Blaineley
- Brady
- Cody
- DJ's Mother
- Eva
- Ezekiel
- Katie
- Noah
- Leshaniqua
- Owen's Mother
- Sadie
- Sierra
- Tyler
Total Drama World Tour (29):
- Alejandro
- Blaineley
- Bridgette
- Cody
- Courtney
- DJ
- Duncan
- Ezekiel
- Gwen
- Harold
- Heather
- Izzy
- Leshawna
- Lindsay
- Noah
- Owen
- Sierra
- Tyler
- Chris McLean
- Chef Hatchet
- Beth
- Bruno the Bear
- Eva
- Geoff
- Jerd McLean
- Justin
- Katie
- Sadie
- Trent
Total Drama Revenge of the Island (41):
- Anne Maria
- B (Beverly)
- Brick
- Cameron
- Dakota
- Dawn
- Jo
- Lightning
- Mike
- Sam
- Scott
- Staci
- Zoey
- Chris McLean
- Chef Hatchet
- Alejandro
- Beth
- Blaineley
- Bridgette
- Cameron's Mother
- Cody
- Courtney
- DJ
- Duncan
- Eva
- Ezekiel
- Geoff
- Gwen
- Harold
- Heather
- Izzy
- Justin
- Katie
- Leshawna
- Lightning's Father
- Lindsay
- Noah
- Owen
- Sadie
- Sierra
- Trent
- Tyler
Total Drama All Stars (19, 24 with Exclusive Clips):
- Alejandro
- Cameron
- Courtney
- Duncan
- Gwen
- Heather
- Jo
- Lightning
- Lindsay
- Mike
- Sam
- Scott
- Sierra
- Zoey
- Chris Mclean
- Chef Hatchet
- Ezekiel
- Izzy
- Owen
- Blaineley (Exclusive Clips only)
- Bridgette (Feet Shown) (Exclusive Clips only)
- Bruno the Bear (Exclusive Clips only)
- Cody (Exclusive Clips only)
- Noah (Feet Shown) (Exclusive Clips Only)
Total Drama Pahkitew Island (17):
- Amy
- Beardo
- Dave
- Ella
- Jasmine
- Leonard
- Max
- Rodney
- Samey
- Scarlett
- Shawn
- Sky
- Sugar
- Topher
- Chris Mclean
- Chef Hatchet
- Scuba Bear
Total Drama Universal Restraints Inn (66 so far):
- Anne Maria
- Beth
- Blaineley
- Bridgette
- Courtney
- Dakota
- Dawn
- Eva
- Gwen
- Gwen's Mother
- Heather
- Izzy
- Jo
- Katie
- Leshawna
- Lindsay
- Sadie
- Sierra
- Staci
- Zoey
- Chris Mclean
- Chef Hatchet
- Alejandro
- Amy
- Beardo
- Cody
- DJ (Planned)
- Duncan
- Duncan's Parents
- Ella
- Ezekiel
- Geoff
- Harold
- Heather's Mother
- Jasmine
- Leonard (Planned)
- Lightning (Planned)
- Mike
- Noah (Planned)
- Owen
- Rodney
- Samey
- Scott
- Shawn (Planned)
- Sky
- Sugar
- Trina Riffin (Grojband) (Hidden in Promo Poster)
- Dr. Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
- Major Monogram (Phineas and Ferb)
- Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb)
- Hitmonchan (Pokemon) (Planned)
- Magikarp (Pokemon) (Fountain Shown in Side Story)
- Alice Spooner (Irrespondible's OC)
- Aura Vega (Irrespondible's OC) (Planned)
- Erica Stevens (Irrespondible's OC) (Planned)
- Ira Spooner (Irrespondible's OC)
- Louie Spooner (Irrespondible's OC)
- Yui Han (Irrespondible's OC)
- Four OCs from Kaatryn
- Two OCs from myself.
As you may have noticed, I organized every character like this: contestants first, then Chris and Chef, then any character who is not competing. Now, 66 is an unhealthy number, although the focus on each character depends on the characters' roles in the story. Some have main roles on each chapter, some have main roles throughout the story, and some simply have minor roles. Yeah, that's pretty much that.